Claire Laurent


Rituals & Myths in Nursing

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Book cover, Rituals and Myths in Nursing by Claire Laurent

From maggots to matrons, enemas to egg white and oxygen, each chapter in Rituals & Myths in Nursing: A Social History, tells the stories of generations of nurses talking humorously and proudly of a profession steeped in tradition. A profession that for 100 years and more has clung to routines and discipline, hats, badges and buckles but also to high standards and technical skills.

Consultants on roller skates, night sisters on bikes and ghosts in the lifts, hospitals are places of drama and theatre, humour and pathos, all of which you will find in Rituals & Myths in Nursing.

Readers don't need a nursing background to enjoy these stories, but those who have will identify with many of the amusing and often eccentric traditions retold by generations of nurses.

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